
Hôtel de Lassay | by triistan_fy




Even Jesus won’t be spared.

no messiah nipples

@staff I’m reporting you for obscenity and religious intolerance. My goodness, is this what it’ll take for you to listen to your users?


The angels weep


Oh my goodness @staff you are unbelievable! I posted the above post (now cropped so there shouldn’t be any supposed “adult content” present) and it was immediately flagged. No one can even criticize you and your insane policies now? This is absurd


I don’t usually engage in politics on Tumblr but the fact that @staff’s new policy is prohibiting posts that can possibly be considered inappropriate is a horrible precedent that doesn’t discriminate between actual vulgarity, free expression, or for goodness sake, classical art! Their clarifications that this isn’t the case is laughable and more than anything, this decision, however well intended, is pure censorship and another excercise of power

This decision is a detriment not only to the users of this site, curtails free expression, but also hinders the ability to share, preserve, and engage with education, art, history, culture, or anything beyond pre-approved content as a whole. This isn’t 1984, it’s 2018. For shame Tumblr



Alphonse Mucha, 1904

New York Daily News cover for April 3, 1904

“Alphonse Mucha created a wonderful allegorical image entitled Friendship in which America and France are each depicted as women. America, with stars on both her tiara and gown and red and white ribbons cascading from her hair, appears as the young protégé of France, who watches over her, protectively adorned with lilies in her hair and fleur-de-lys patterns on her dress. The two women are jointly “holding a wreath of lime leaves.”



11 November 1918 | Armistice Day celebrations in Paris.


We yet humbly, fervently implore the Almighty Disposer of events to avert from our land war and usurpation, the scourges of mankind; to permit our fields to be cultivated in peace; to instill into nations the love of friendly intercourse; to suffer our youth to be educated in virtue, and to preserve our morality from the pollution invariably incident to habits of war; to prevent the laborer and husbandman from being harassed by taxes and imposts; to remove from ambition the means of disturbing the commonwealth; to annihilate all pretexts for power afforded by war; to maintain the Constitution; and to bless our nation with tranquility, under whose benign influence we may reach the summit of happiness and glory, to which we are destined by nature and nature’s God.

Conclusion of the Virginia Resolutions of 1798

Link to the entire document:
